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Ebola? Didn’t That Happen Around the Time of the Black Death?


Can we get in the Wayback Machine for a minute? All the way to a month ago. In early November, in the days before the midterm election, Ebola was the greatest threat this nation ever faced and who was to blame for that but the African in the White House himself, Barack Hussein Obama. Vote Tom Cotton! Funny how as soon as the election passed, Ebola completely disappeared from the headlines. Coincidence, no doubt.

Ebola has fallen so far out of the public consciousness that Obama is now trying to remind people that it exists and is a public health problem we need to which we need to pay attention.

Amid nationwide protests over police tactics, intense scrutiny of an expansive immigration policy and growing concern about military strategy in the Middle East, President Barack Obama will drive 10 miles northwest on Tuesday to discuss a crisis that’s largely slipped the public consciousness.

Appearing at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, he will reacquaint America with Ebola.

According to the advisory for the event, a portion of the president’s remarks will be devoted to praising work done by the medical research community in combating the deadly virus — including slowing the growth rate of infections in West Africa, treating patients in the United States and conducting a Phase 1 clinical trial for a promising vaccine.

And I’m sure no one will pay attention until the next election cycle when conservatives need some less than subtle race-baiting to get out their voters.

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