This Has Been Straightforward Answers To Idiotic Questions
Via Jeb, a HOT TAKE from Tim Teeman:
But my most immediate thought was: Why take pictures of yourselves having sex, or naked, in the first place, which you then choose to share electronically? In doing those things, haven’t you already compromised your privacy long before a pervy hacker has figured out a way to get their grubby mitts on your pictures?
Being naked in your home does not constitute consent for people outside your home to look at you. Storing nude pictures on a home computer or password protected cloud does not constitute consent for other people to look at them. Appearing in revealing clothing onstage does not constitute consent for people to look at you offstage. Walking around on the street with a wallet does not constitute consent for someone to take your money. The fact that the last point is not in dispute but the first three are might just have something to do with the gender makeup of the typical targets, doncha think?
If there’s anything worse than a transparently dumb argument, it’s a transparently dumb argument that Ann Althouse already made nearly a decade ago.
consent, how does it work?