Thursday’s Child is Full of…Uh…Links
- When people talk about the “pro-life” message of movies like “Juno” and “Knocked Up,” I am quick to remind them that a movie about abortion would likely be very short. I mean, “Woman is faced with unwanted pregnancy/woman has abortion/woman is pretty happy with her choice just doesn’t make for a very compelling storyline. Well, along some dumb abortion-humping liberal comes to prove me wrong. “Obvious Child” is a small, independent film that hasn’t been hyped or shown nation-wide. The box office reflects that, as Jonah Goldberg–happy culture warrior–is gleeful to report. I’m more than willing to concede that America secretly hates 1/3 of its women for being slutty murderers if Pantload and his ilk will quit skreeing about liberal Hollywood.
- Rich people are scamps. Sometimes I just want to tickle them ’til they pee. Sometimes I just want to guillotine them ’til their heads fall off their bodies in an adorable manner.
- How would you like to eat some congealed shrimp and mayonnaise paste? Lots I bet. Question: Why is the shrimp dish in a fish mold? (Thanks to Origami Isopod for the link.)