“Many students come to regret that decision, wishing they had never reported the assault in the first place.”
Not taking sexual assault seriously, part the far too many. Pretty much every detail is a scandal, but here’s an example:
The woman at Hobart and William Smith is no exception. With no advocate to speak up for her at the disciplinary hearing, panelists interrupted her answers, at times misrepresented evidence and asked about a campus-police report she had not seen. The hearing proceeded before her rape-kit results were known, and the medical records indicating trauma were not shown to two of the three panel members.
One panelist did not appear to know what a rape exam entails or why it might be unpleasant. Another asked whether the football player’s penis had been “inside of you” or had he been “having sex with you.” And when the football player violated an order not to contact the accuser, administrators took five months to find him responsible, then declined to tell her if he had been punished.
And if this is the pass athletes in Division III programs at liberal arts colleges get…well, we know where this is going.