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Movin’ On Up


Deep congratulations to Matt Duss on his new gig!

Matthew Duss has been appointed as the new President of the Foundation for Middle East Peace, effective August 1, 2014. He replaces Ambassador (ret.) Philip C. Wilcox, Jr. who is retiring after thirteen years at the Foundation.

Duss has been with the Center for American Progress in Washington, DC since 2008. A widely published journalist and policy analyst, he holds a BA and an MA in Middle East Studies from the University of Washington. He is an expert in Middle East affairs and has traveled extensively in the region, including in Israel and Palestine.

Matt, friend of LGM since (before) the beginning, also submitted a late entry to the self-celebratory anniversary wankfest:

I’m getting this in just under wire. Okay not really, it’s just late. But am really glad to have been asked to help mark LGM’s ten year anniversary. Rob and I met at the University of Washington in the early part of the 21st Century, I was taking his course on military interventions, and I knew we would were going to be good friends when he explained to the class that re-doing World War II as a social science experiment would be problematic because it would be too expensive. In a conversation after class I made reference to something I’d read at Talking Points Memo, and we ended up discussing these things called blogs. Not long after, LGM appeared. I was instantly hooked, and I’m pleased to have been one of its first readers, commenters, and fans.

I need to say this too: Beyond the great writing, LGM has also been a great and loyal friend. In troubled times, LGM has just been there for me. That time I decided to celebrate Cinco de Mayo for an entire month, who bailed me out? LGM. That time my car broke down near Stevens Pass in two feet of snow, who came to pick me up? LGM. That time I was thinking of calling with a low gut shot straight, who convinced otherwise? LGM. That time I was thinking that Kevin Smith’s films might deserve another look, who talked me down? That was LGM. LGM did that.

God bless you, Lawyers Guns and Money. God bless you.

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