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Busy week, what with the grading and paper finishing and Neko Casing (a show so great that even hearing a guy in a fedora giving a detailed track-by-track analysis of Joe’s Garage at the bar afterwards couldn’t spoil my mood). But here’s some stuff to read:
- When approaching Mary McGory, LBJ simply failed to lead, with leadership.
- Amanda Knox really shouldn’t be extradited.
- A day in the life of a writer.
- You don’t have to take Erik and my word for it — smart reviews of Wussy’s new album Attica! from Jason Gubbels in Spin and Jason Oliphint in (at long last) Pitchfork. And while we’re discussing LGM house bands, Gubbels on the DBT (1, 2.)
- Ayn Rand’s The Breakfast Club and Harry Potter (1,2) from national treasure Mallory Ortberg.
- Ann Friedman on how to be a boss. Point 1 is especially good.
- Edroso on conservatives who won’t get off the cross although we could use the wood.