Tuesday Tyson Tits
Some Tuesday links…
- How young and white are MRA’s? Well, pre-born and see-through, pretty much. Amanda Marcotte has a theory that most of them either a.) grow out of MRAism or b.) find a home for themselves in conservative Christianity. (Because conservative Christianity basically serves the same function as MRAism, in that it’s fundamentally about oppressing women. It just puts a prettier face on it.) What do you think of this theory?
- I think I’ll let Sally
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comment for me on this atheist conference art show. (Or at least this unfortunate juxtaposition.)@AmericanAtheist MEN = SCIENCE Women, not so much.
— Sally Strange (@SallyStrange) April 19, 2014
- Tina Dupuy thinks we need to be more plain-spoken when we talk about wealth inequality.
- John Quiggin does not think conservatives and liberals are equally immune to reason and science.