Campus preachers can’t take the heat, whine to conservative “news” outlets that anthropology professor won’t vacate the kitchen
This is some delicious whining on the part of campus preachers — you know, the guys who stand outside buildings screaming at strangers while classes are in session:
“He asked me if I had accepted Darwin as my lord and savior,” Karns said. “He was very demonstrative.”
But that’s not all!
“As I was pointing to Christ,” he said, “I was talking about the sin nature — I said, ‘There’s probably some people out there—maybe even professors — who think they descended from monkeys.”
At that point, Boster “jumped off the ground and came running over and basically started screaming, ‘I did not come from a monkey! I came from an ape!’”
Karns claimed that Boster’s behavior — i.e. the spot-on impersonation of campus preachers like Karns — was “very unbecoming of a professor.”
I only wish he’d lacked the self-awareness to say something like “that sort of behavior doesn’t belong on college campuses,” since that was exactly the professor’s point.