Rand Paul Has Extremely Reactionary Positions on Social as Well As Economic Issues
The fraudulent presentation of America’s Greatest Champion of Civil Liberties is remarkable. On “social” issues as well as reactionary ones, Rand Paul is an absolutely standard issue conservative Republican, steadfastly opposed to civil rights and equality for women, African-Americans, and gays and lesbians.
At least when it comes to same-sex marriage, the basis for this bad faith evasion seems to be some boilerplate language about “leaving the issue to the states.” I mean, really, this is the same con that the right has been running for years on abortion — not only is it not any kind of progressive position, since nobody actually cares about federalism virtually everyone who allegedly wants abortion “left to the states” supports every piece of federal abortion regulation to ever come down the pike. Can we stop pretending that this language means anything, please?