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The Walker Economy


While I am concerned about Scott Walker being one Republican who can actually win the lunatic Republican primary and win the general election, he’s going to have to run against the fact that his state’s economy has collapsed under his leadership. More evidence of that:

How’s this for a 2016 presidential campaign theme?

“Under Scott Walker, Wisconsin led the nation in first-time unemployment claims.”

That’s not the narrative Walker wants as he plots his run for the Republican presidential nomination.

But it’s the one that has developed.

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, 4,420 Wisconsinites filed initial unemployment claims in the final week of November. The next two highest states combined — Ohio with 2,597 and Kentucky with 1,538 — couldn’t match Wisconsin’s total. And what’s particularly notable is that these numbers come at a point when states such as California, Texas, Florida and Michigan are seeing significant declines in jobless claims.

Wisconsin sticks out like a sore thumb.

Why? Walker would like people to believe that it has something to do with deer hunting season. Nice try. But they hunt deer in states that are adding jobs. The truth is that Wisconsinites are out of work because Walker’s economic strategies aren’t working.

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