And David Duke is the New Fred Shuttlesworth!
Shorter Verbatim Republican congressional candidate: “In December 1955, Rosa Parks took a stand against an unjust societal persecution of black people, and in December 2013, Robertson took a stand against persecution of Christians. What Parks did was courageous. What Mr. Robertson did was courageous too.”
Elsewhere Mark Steyn stands up for Robertson’s inalienable right to be paid huge sums of money to star on a reality show. Testing the National Review‘s commitment to “free speech” as it pretends to define it, I think I’ll submit an article to the National Review praising yesterday’s decision ruling Utah’s ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional. Surely they would not be so “totalitarian” as to refuse to publish it at the price I deem appropriate!
For similar misapprehensions about what free speech means, see pretty much every other Republican alive.