There’s Always Beck University
The folks at Whiskey Fire are talking about it what it takes to churn out conservative kids. I think everyone is making this much more difficult than it needs to be. If you want to raise to an entitled, bullying, whining, racist, misogynist homophobe, all you have to do is send them to the right school. You know, right schools. Why are all these wingnuts whining about librul colleges? Why aren’t they sending their awful kids to Oral Roberts? Or Liberty? Or Pepperdine? Hmmmmm?
Then again, you can always just Duggar out a litter or two and keep the pups hostage on your compound and teach ‘em good Randian Jesus stuff in the safe confines of your own bastion of wingnuttery.
Oh, and let’s not pretend that college conservatives are not a real thing. They are. It’s just that they’re always ENORMOUS ASSHOLES.
Also, yes, this is a real thing.