It’s Funny Because It’s–Oh, Nevermind, It’s Not Funny Because Wingnuts Are Never Intentionally Funny
Marvel comics is unveiling a new super heroine. She’s going to be a teenage Pakistani girl from Jersey. Wingnuts responded with measured skepticism, fearing it’s simply tokenism. HA HA HA!!! I’m just kidding! They didn’t really react that way. Instead they reacted like THIS:
- And she will be fighting republicans and their war on women.
While not driving or leaving the house alone, and while wearing a burka?
HA HA HA!! Whooo, that’s a good one. ‘Scuse me while I wipe away these tears of despair laughter! Do you get that joke? Do you get it? It’s funny because every single Muslim woman in the world is oppressed and wears a burka. Yeah! Even the ones who live in Jersey! The more you know, moonbats.
But, wait, there’s more!
A guy who I’m 100% certain resembles Comic Book Guy in real life says
Stupidest. Superhero. Premise. EVER! [facepalm]
But I’ve saved the best nutpicking for last, people…
What’s her super power?
She can blow herself up many times and drive away in a burka and not crash….
HA HA HA! Get it?! Every last Muslim woman on earth, aside from being burka-wearing oppression-mongers, is also a terrorist!
What is it, a Pig with a Burka? There are no Islamic Heros, only Murdering Pigs! Islam is Satan’s Church and Muslims are Satan’s Children! Allah is Satan! The sickness of Islam should not be allowed out of it’s Pig Pen Countries!
That comment got 8 upvotes. You can facepalm now, Real Life Comic Book Guy.