One of these Things Is Not Like the Other
Normally I make an effort to save these silly, substance-less posts for the weekend, but, I’m sorry, I could not let this pass without mentioning it.
As you all know, when you click onto LGM you’re subjected to a couple of columns of ads, usually the creepy kind that knows your browsing history and knows where you bought that monster-size double-headed dildo. YOU KNOW THE ONE I’M TALKING ABOUT. So, often when you come to this page, our ads will helpfully instruct you on how to find similar monster-size double-headed dildos. If you can get past the Big Brothery ick factor, it’s really kinda thoughtful.
So anyway, if you look at the graphic above, you’ll see a toddler dressed in an owl costume. I bought that (for my son. The costume, not the toddler). I also bought the matching candy bag (also for my son…I tell people). I’m curious as to how we went from toddler owls to blood-drenched, soul-sucking, nightmare-inducing demon in one ad. One of these things is not like the other!