Home / Robert Farley / A Plethora of Options for the Discerning Consumer!

A Plethora of Options for the Discerning Consumer!


A helpful FAQ with the author:

Can I order the book now?

Grounded is available for pre-order at Amazon, at the University Press of Kentucky website, and elsewhere.  UPK has an eBook loyalty program that provides anyone who purchases a physical copy of the book with an electronic copy; take this into account when making a purchase decision. Publication is scheduled for March 6, 2014. A helpful widget has been added to the far right sidebar to assist your ordering.

How many copies should I order?

How many friends do you have?  How many friends would you like to have?

I’d like to give Grounded as a Christmas gift, but it isn’t released until March 6.  What should I do?

The best approach would be to design an aviation related holiday card that could be placed in a strategic location, helpfully reminding the recipient for each of the 71 days (plus shipping) preceding arrival that his or her Christmas gift is, in fact, on the way.  Consequently, the recipient will feel like he or she is having 71 consecutive Christmases (plus shipping).

What about Valentine’s Day?

There is nothing so satisfying as sitting across from your beloved, gazing into his or her eyes, then launching into a discussion of the organizational perversities that prevented the Air Force from achieving air supremacy over the PAVNAF in the early stages of Rolling Thunder.

Is the book appropriate for my infant or toddler?

Of course.  It has lots of pictures of pretty planes.  What infant or toddler doesn’t like planes? However, note that infants and toddlers can be extremely destructive; you should probably invest in several copies in order to keep them entertained.

Why would I ever consider signing up for the Facebook page or the twitter feed?

Because I consider the book a single, if central, part of a larger academic project, I’m also devoting some time to a Facebook page and a twitter feed. In addition to relentless sales updates at both, at the former I’m posting photos and documents that I came across during my work, and at the latter I’m tweeting a wide variety of aviation-oriented links, as well as book-tweeting works such as Richard Overy’s immense, majestic Bombing War. Take a look if you’re interested.

Ok, I’m not really sold. What else do I get?

A two year paid subscription to LGM at the “Elite” level, with all the benefits and privileges entailed.


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