Today In Hackery
- Bringing his trademark fresh insight to the table, Mark Halperin would like to inform you that no matter what happens both sides will be equally responsible for blowing up the world economy.
- Syndicated columnist William F. George remains haunted by the Ghost of Imaginary Inflation.
- Col. Mustard attempts some media criticism, ends up in the Cayuga Lake of Fail.
- CNBC is really remarkably bad. I especially like the incredulity at the idea that the New York Times could be a credible source for news.
- For reasons that cannot be explained, the Daily News is continuing to let Bill Madden write things and hence embarrass himself about A-Rod. The most important reason to hope that the arbitrator severely reduces A-Rod’s suspension is that making a penalty for obstructing an investigation you’re under no obligation to cooperate with more than three times the penalty for the underlying offense is utterly indefensible, but the resulting column from Madden arguing that both A-Rod and the arbitrator are worse than Hitler, Pol Pot, and Michael Bay put together would be a pleasing side bonus.