A Plutocrat’s Bentleys Bear A Strange Fruit
The fruit of…angry criticism! Shorter Verbatim AIG CEO Robert Benmosche:
The uproar over bonuses “was intended to stir public anger, to get everybody out there with their pitchforks and their hangman nooses, and all that — sort of like what we did in the Deep South [decades ago]. And I think it was just as bad and just as wrong.”
What is especially remarkable is that this wasn’t just a carelessly tossed off offensive metaphor. He wants you to know that people who believe that incompetent rich people who destroyed the world economy aren’t entitled to further taxpayer money are literally just as bad as people who used terrorist killings to enforce a racial caste system.
I know that being part of the 1% means not owing anything to your social inferiors, but can we at least stop trying to kill parody? It’s already dead.