For Potato-Lovers Only: No Irish
I was looking for a recipe for red-cooked pork and this blog was the first search result that popped up. I used the recipe, yes, but I kept clicking and reading. The site is great fun–all the entries are well-written, friendly, fun and really, really informative.
Whenever I read about the authentic cuisine of other countries I’m always reminded of how woefully ignorant most Americans are of the “real” food of, well, the world. For instance, I had no idea that the potato was so prevalent in Chinese cooking. Sure, it’s a relatively new addition to the cuisine, but I bet you didn’t know people were stir-frying julienned potatoes and serving them al dente. And I bet you didn’t know that as cucumbers mature, they yellow…and the Chinese use them in soup!
It’s all pretty damn interesting. Go take a look.
Just for fun: What are your favorite potato dishes?