One of the most difficult aspects of my new job is dealing with images. I know. I should be great at that. It should be my thing. And I should have a little sympathy for the folks at Breitbart when this happens:
But given the long history that Tea Party groups have with images, I simply can’t stand above the fray. It’s—to use a word that briefly appeared in the last story I wrote yesterday—too “fravelous” an opportunity to pass up. I neither know what “fravelous” means nor what word (or words) I actually meant to type.* Something related to an unnecessary vacation? Don’t know. But I will use this opportunity to point out that I did write something I wanted to title “Spokeswoman indicates Ted Cruz will not renounce Canadian citizenship,” which would have been technically true yesterday, but not today, so it’s probably best I didn’t. I also wrote at length of Mayor Bloomberg’s concern for the plight of hypothetical black and Hispanic children, but the best thing on the site yesterday was written by Megan Carpentier, a.k.a. the woman whose job it is to keep my fravelous prose in check. I wager Loomis would agree:
I have “met” Greenwald on the Internet. It was, to put it mildly, not exactly a pleasant experience. Insults and straw man arguments mixed wildly with what might otherwise have come across as legitimate critiques, complaints were lodged, high dudgeon was evinced, grudges were held, distance was kept (and much of this was mutual). Anyone who has mixed it up with Greenwald online—and this is a vast universe of people, let us be clear—would likely agree that their interactions follow much the same pattern …
But, yes everyone, let’s argue about how Greenwald is an asshole.
For some reason, she had some fucking asterisks where the esses in “asshole” should’ve been. On SEK blog SEK edit you.
*Sometimes when editing large image files my computer can’t keep up with my typing and things like this happen. But I wasn’t editing a large image file at the time. I just wrote “fravelous.”