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Should You Feel Guilty about Liking Justin Bieber? Maybe.


I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with the phrase “guilty pleasure.” On the one hand, I’m fairly uncomfortable with people actually feeling guilty about liking things that give them pleasure. On the other hand, I recognize that the phrase can be shorthand for a recognition that something is mediocre or over-produced in order to appeal to a broad swath of consumers.

I would hasten to add that popularity does not always equal mediocrity; there are pop culture phenomenons that are popular for good reason.

It’s a phrase worthy of nuanced arguments. While I became comfortable with enjoying–unabashedly–my guilty pleasures a long time ago, I still struggle a bit with appreciation for mediocrity. I wonder things like “Am I encouraging more mediocrity by liking this?”  Another question that springs to mind: Is there room both highbrow and lowbrow art/entertainment? I, for one, enjoy having many brows to choose from.

And then there is stuff that is just genuinely awful. Should we say it’s terrible? Is there a way to say “that’s terrible” without being a jerk? When somebody likes something awful, do you just accept it as their “guilty pleasure” and move on?

Do you believe the phrase “guilty pleasure” is useful/instructive? Do you have guilty pleasures? Could I ask any more questions?

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