Jazz Notes/Thanks
- Knowing my fascination with rhythm sections, most valuable commenter Howard sent me this quite wonderful obscurity, Jo Jones’s The Drums. Jones emulating and explaining the styles of different titans is that rare combination of educational and interesting, so thanks once again. (Remember, you too can get the front page mention that will really finish off your cv if you too buy something from the wishlists of me or another contributor!) Also, make sure to scroll down in the George Jones thread for some great Howard stories; when Soros finally cuts us that million-dollar check I’ve been told was coming I’m totally making it worth Howard’s while to be a music blogger.
- Since I was an early backer I was lucky enough to get a copy of Darcy James Argue’s superb new Brooklyn Babylon a week early. But it’s about to become available to everyone, and if you like that kind of thing you won’t be disappointed. Trust me, I don’t recommend the work of Canucks fans lightly! And if you don’t want to take my word for it, it’s streaming at the CBC and NPR.
- Also recommended is this Times Magazine piece about the great Maria Schnedier. I haven’t obtained Early Morning Walks yet, alas, but Sky Blue is one of my favorite albums in any genre of the last decade.