Sunday Reading
- Melissa Gira Grant on the bad effects of criminalizing sex work. “It is not sex work that exposes sex workers to violence; it is our willingness to abandon sex workers to violence in an attempt to control their behavior.”
- A compelling story about the brain-damaged former NFL
starplayer George Visger. “Don’t get the wrong idea. Pissing blood still hurts.” - Give Jay Bybee this: he’s consistent.
- Pretty much what Maura Johnston said about Rick Moody. The issue isn’t not liking Taylor Swift (which is perfectly fine; I don’t particularly care for her music myself, although I think it’s silly to claim that she’s untalented.) The primary issue isn’t even misogyny, although I agree that apart from their gender I can’t figure out what Swft and Natalie Imbruglia have in common. The biggest problem is that Moody seems fully immersed in nonsense about “authenticity.” There may well be good arguments against Swift’s popular and critical standing, but Moody’s arguments — “OMG, drum machines!” “Studio musicians!” “Marketing!” “Ambition!” — certainly aren’t those. Again, there’s nothing wrong with contemporary top-40 pop music not generally being to one’s taste — I am also an old white guy, and I don’t listen to a great deal of my own volition either — but to call people who have different tastes “dupes” is really irritating.