Gloriously awful student ideas
SEK and his class are brainstorming ideas for their end-of-quarter rhetoric-in-practice project.
SEK: Given the fact that we studied Fellowship of the Ring and Game of Thrones, I could easily see something like the “Sean Bean Death Reel” being a viable final project.
STUDENT #1: What if we made a perfect copy of the One Ring out of metal?
SEK: Nope. You can’t turn in anything you bought from Skymall.
STUDENT #2: Can we do Reverse Game of Thrones?
SEK: A Throne of Games?
STUDENT #2: Like we get a regular guy to play Tyrion and hire little people to play everybody el—
SEK: No! No reversing Game of Thrones! That’s unacceptable on so many levels I don’t even know where to begin.