Why Is the Chronicle of Higher Education Publishing A Racist Hack?
Shorter Naomi Schaefer Riley: African American studies is such a worthless field you can tell the research is useless just by reading dissertation titles.
More here, here, here, and here. The scholars respond here. Why the Chronicle is publishing this witless sub-Roger Kimball nonsense I have no idea.
…Jessica Valenti reminds me that Schaefer Riley is the same hack who informed the readers of the Wall Street Journal that if a woman goes out for a drink it’s her fault if she gets raped.
…Shorter Mark Bauerlein: I am appalled that people are not responding to an argument that an entire academic field be eliminated based on a sniggering retyping of dissertation titles with the appropriate civility.
…an excellent point here. Leaving aside why she picked on Black Studies in particular, the post was the latest demonstration of the fact that she was utterly unqualified to be writing for the CHE at all.