A Scandal So Great, It Makes Teapot Dome Look Like The Gettysburg Address
In case you weren’t shocked enough by Obama breathing the same oxygen as Derrick Bell, Paul Adler (@padlerman) reminded me of this classic.
In 2010, North Dakota conservative talk show host Rob Port took a tour of the White House. What did he find? A plethora of socialist books, clearly guides for the Obama Administration to replace the white man’s democracy with Maoism. Luckily for all of us, Port took a picture:
Yep, that’s right. Obama is reading books on the Populists. Lawrence Goodwyn: noted Stalinist. John Hicks: Leninist. Not to mention books about socialism. Nathan Glazer: Pol Pot. Oh my god, won’t somebody think of the children.
The right briefly went crazy over this. Until actual evidence came to light:
Well, it was a first lady who put those books there, the Washington Post reports, but it wasn’t Michelle Obama. It was Jacqueline Kennedy, who was known for the care and attention she gave to outfitting the White House; she hired Yale’s librarian to stock it for her.
The books Port photographed have been sitting in the library since 1963.
The library came into being during the presidency of Franklin Roosevelt. In 1961, First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy asked Yale University librarian James T. Babb to oversee a committee that would select books for the library. In 1963, 1,780 were placed on the shelves.
The Washington Post went to a document from the White House Historical Assn., “The White House Library: A Short Title List,” in which Babb wrote:
It is intended to contain books which best represent the history and culture of the United States, works most essential for an understanding of our national experience. The collection has to be strictly limited because the attractive library on the ground floor of the White House has shelf space for only twenty-five hundred volumes. Authors, with few exceptions, are citizens of the United States; fiction and poetry by deceased writers only have been included.
I am looking forward to the next phase in this scandal: HAS BARACK OBAMA READ W.E.B. DUBOIS?!!!!!!
Only impeachment proceedings can uncover the truth!