People Who Care About Issues Are So Gross
Shorter Dana Milbank: If people were really serious about abortion, they would stop and admit that I’m right about everything, including the fact that the idea that anti-choicers should have a monopoly in determining what is “moral” and “life-affirming.”
Also, there’s this: “If these groups cared as much about the issue as they claim, and didn’t have such strong financial incentives to avoid consensus and compromise, they’d cancel the carnivals and get to work on the one thing everybody [sic] agrees would be worthwhile — reducing unwanted pregnancies.” Leaving aside the imputation that anyone who disagrees with Milbank in either direction must be motivated solely by venal interests, I hate to inform Milbank that people on one side of the issue are already working to reduce unwanted pregnancies. Milbank seems to be getting his information about what Planned Parenthood from John Kyl. This might immediately have jumped to the top of the extensive complacent wealthy white male pundit makes incredibly irritating argument that Roe doesn’t matter canon.
UPDATE: Not surprisingly. Milbank also has no idea what he’s talking about.