Cliopatria Award
I am deeply honored to learn that my This Day in Labor History series has won this year’s History News Network Cliopatria Award for “Best Series of Posts.” According to HNN:
In “This Day in Labor History” Erik Loomis of Lawyers, Guns & Money documents significant moments in labor and working class history, moving back through time to slavery and drawing attention to anti-union campaigns in the 20th century. This excellent series highlights labor organizing, strikes, and anti-labor violence with state sponsored union-busting foregrounded. By showcasing the messiness of past labor disputes, Loomis provides case studies to show the rich historical variance of these events and how these “days” shaped later attitudes and policies about American labor. The series is both well-written and provocative.
Last year, the New York Times’ Disunion series won this award.
I am beyond honored to even be considered for such an award, not to mention winning it.