And Now We’re DRIVING the Bus!
The Powers That Be over at Bloggingheads have decided to hand Matt Duss and myself the keys to a new, weekly foreign policy show which we’ve decided to call Foreign Entanglements. Announcement and discussion here:
My relationship with Bloggingheads began, of course, with this vicious anti-bloggingheads screed. Let it never be said that the squeaky wheel does not get the grease. This is a very interesting opportunity, and Matt and I hope to make the most of it by continuing to include many of the contributors who have long been involved in Bloggingheads, as well as new contributors who speak on different subjects and to different interests. Feedback regarding potential contributors (or favorite past contributors) is very welcome.
With regards to the alternative names for the program, the following were considered and rejected:
Manhattan Project
Solarium Redux
The Next Objective
Present at the Summation
Statesmen and Scoundrels
Worse than Immoral, it’s a Mistake
Diplomacy by Other Means
All Foreign Intrigues
Alliances, Attachments, and Intrigues
A Clash of Wonks
The Internationalists
The Foreign Policy Faction
The Undiplomatic Corps
People’s Front for the Liberation of Bloggingheads