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I had wondered what Alabama would do after a police officer arrested a German auto executive under its draconian new immigration law.

Now we know.

Faced with backlash over the detainment of two foreign auto employees, two architects of Alabama’s tough immigration law say they are having second thoughts about the law.

The Republican attorney general is calling for some of the strictest parts of it to be repealed. Some Republican lawmakers say they now want to make changes in the law that was pushed quickly through the legislature.

Gov. Robert Bentley, who signed the law, said he’s contacting foreign executives to tell them they and their companies are still welcome in Alabama. The moves comes following backlash from big business after the embarrassing traffic stops of two foreign employees tied to the state’s prized Honda and Mercedes plants.

“We are not anti-foreign companies. We are very pro-foreign companies,” he said.

If there was only a way Alabama could openly discriminate against brown people, there would be no problem at all!!!

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