Those Hindus and Their False Idols…
Next Tuesday, Kentucky State Senate President David Williams is going to lose to incumbent Democrat Steve Beshear by about thirty points. Rather than accept this outcome with honor and dignity, Williams decided to “fight”:
The director of Flex Films (USA) said comments made Tuesday by GOP gubernatorial candidate David Williams were offensive and hurtful and called for the state Senate president to be “ostracized” from his own party.
Anantshree Chaturvedi and Elizabethtown officials voiced outrage following Williams’ comments criticizing Gov. Steve Beshear’s participation in the Bhoomi Poojan, a traditional Indian ground blessing ceremony performed Friday to usher in construction of the company’s manufacturing plant in the T.J. Patterson Industrial Park on Black Branch Road.
The company has estimated it will invest $180 million in the Elizabethtown plant and create 250 or more jobs in Elizabethtown after choosing Kentucky over several competing states because of the hospitality received from state officials.
During a campaign stop in Bullitt County, Williams chastised Beshear for participating in the ceremony, which called for guests to take off their shoes and sit cross-legged on white cushions. For more than an hour, participants observed the traditional Indian blessing through a haze created by burning incense and a ceremonial fire as a priest chanted Hindu prayers. At the end of the ground blessing, participants shoveled the newly blessed earth into a hole in the center of the pit.
Williams questioned Beshear’s judgment in joining the ceremony, saying it is contradictory to the values held by most Kentuckians and unbecoming of a governor who touts his upbringing as the son of a Christian minister.
Williams also equated it to idolatry, or the worship of false idols, and said he hopes those who practice Hinduism find Jesus Christ as their savior.
You may or may not know that Georgetown, Kentucky is home to TMMK, the largest Toyota factory outside of Japan. It is rumored that the Japanese may, on occasion, engage in religious practices not particularly conducive the finding of Jesus Christ as their savior. Similarly, you may or may not know that the horse industry is big in Kentucky, that a considerable amount of investment in the horse industry comes from abroad, and that some (very large) percentage of that investment comes from people who do not hold Christ in their hearts.
To be sure, I do think that a comparison with Jack Conway’s clumsy Aqua Buddha attack ad is fair to a point. In this case, however, Governor Beshear is being attacked for participating in a ceremony at the behest of foreigners who want to invest in Kentucky; the implication seems to be that a Governor Williams would put his concern for Jesus’ feelings ahead of his duty to support foreign investment and job creation.
Observation over the past six years has indicated to me that the good people of Kentucky are far, far more interested in the money and jobs brought by foreign investment than by the need to convince Jesus that he’s still number one. Toyota is enormously popular in the state, and the Arab investment in the horse industry appreciated. Both the Conway and now the Williams attack have been more embarrassing than effective.
More at Barefoot and Progressive…