In Soviet Russia, Drugs Go to War on You
The guy responsible for wasting in excess of $50 million prosecuting Barry Bonds is so Serious I’m surprised that Fred Hiatt hasn’t already given him a sinecure. If you’re the kind of guy who thinks that this prosecution was an intelligent use of taxpayer money, you probably also think that the use of the familiar quote from the 18th Brumaire to accurately describe the farcical nature of convicting someone for giving a rambling-but-accurate answer should be met with some red-baiting:
Prosecutor Matt Parrella, already spoiling for a venomous closing, derided Riordan’s argument. “As for the quotation from Marx,” Parrella scoffed, “it’s lucky we don’t live in communist Russia.”
Hopefully the appellate courts will be on the end of Parrella’s biting wit after they throw out the one conviction from this remarkably silly and wasteful prosecution.
Of course, any money that would be saved by telling prosecutors to find some actual criminals might go to things like going after online poker sites. Let’s just say that I continue to find the idea that holding prosecutors accountable for violating people’s civil rights is a luxury that taxpayers can’t afford…unconvincing.