Speaking of Suckers…
I’m not sure what’s funnier about this — Goldstein treating Ayers making fun of crackpot conspiracy theorists as definitive evidence that the crackpots are right, or his assertion that Ayers “has earned rockstar status on the activist left.”
I also note that Cashill’s material here is classic — in particular, the fact that he can’t come up for another explanation for Obama’s campaign book being written differently than his actual memoir remains comedy gold. And then there’s these Deep Thoughts: “:’This time, I think Ayers was making a serious admission,’ Cashill told WND. ‘I think it took a split second for him to realize where this was going. Then, as he pulls away, his face assumes a smile rictus. It’s not a full-face smile, but a false smile – only the mouth, not the eyes.'” Well, I’m convinced!
Next time, parody’s relatives should try to get the corpse cremated to prevent these indignities.