FOX goes PC: Bows to pressure to characterize murder of American general by ruthless savages as military “defeat.”
Monday USA TODAY ran a seemingly innocuous little story about a children’s book putatively authored by Barack HUSSEIN Obama. Some sharp-eyed patriot at FOX News, always on the alert for signs of subversion at the highest level of our government, noticed one graph in the middle of the story, and repackaged the piece as a four-graph article, with the fourth graph bolded for emphasis.
Then, an attempt to make sure the point of this orthographical pedagogy didn’t fly over the audience’s collective head, the story’s title was altered from “Obama Shares Dreams for his Kids in Book on 13 Americans” to “Obama Praises Indian Chief Who Killed U.S. General.” Sadly on Tuesday an army of jackbooted PC stormtroopers descended on the FOX News building in midtown Manahattan, and after a tense standoff that included hostage-taking and the use of impolite language by bra-less radical Feminazis, the headline was changed to “Obama Praises Indian Chief Who Defeated U.S. General.”
I’ll say this for FOX: at least they know what they’re trying to accomplish. Too bad the same can’t be said for MSNBC.