Home / Robert Farley / How Can A Guy With 59 Wins in a Season Go Wrong?

How Can A Guy With 59 Wins in a Season Go Wrong?


I am in awe of the majesty of @OldHossRadbourn:

“You know, Thome could bunt himself to second if I play this right.” #RonGardenhireThoughts
2 minutes ago

God bless you, R. Gardenhire. I adore bunts. Of course, I think liniment cures leprosy.

…oh yeah, GO TWINS!!!

…how can you beat the Wikipedia summary of the 1884 season?

Jealousy and hatred between Hoss and Charlie Sweeney, the other ace pitcher on the team, broke out into violence in the clubhouse. Hoss was faulted as the initiator of the fight and after a poor outing on July 16 was suspended without pay. (He deliberately lost the game by lobbing soft pitches over the plate). But on July 22 Sweeney had been drinking before the start of the game and continued drinking in the dugout between innings. Wild and plastered, Sweeney managed to make it to the seventh inning with a 6-2 lead. Bancroft attempted to relieve him with the change pitcher but Sweeney stormed out of the park in a rage, leaving the Providence side with only eight players. With only two men to cover the outfield they lost the game.

The mood among the owners and managers that evening was gloomy; both their aces were gone and the rest of the team was in poor morale. Consensus was that the team should be disbanded immediately. At that point Ole Hoss stepped out of the shadows and offered to start every game for the rest of the season in exchange for a small raise and exemption from the reserve clause next season. From that point, July 23 to September 24 when the pennant was clinched, Providence played 43 games and Radbourn started 40 of them and won 36.

Baseball used to be so much more interesting…

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