Good One!
That Atrios, what a card:
Newsweek actually hired Mickey Kaus.
Haha, nice one, Newsweek sure is moribund, but come on, shouldn’t joke contain at least a grain of plausi…
Hello! I’ve been blogging at “” for a while–first on my own, then for, and now, starting with this post, for Newsweek. A few introductory notes that may or may not be useful:
–kausfiles on Newsweek won’t be quite the same as kausfiles on Slate. My early New Year’s resolution is to be a lot more interactive (e.g. responding to comments), a bit less insidery, and a lot more Instapundit-y–emulating the wildly popular Tennessee blogger who posts lots of short links to worthy articles by others. Please let me know how I’m doing.
I continue to mourn the death of satire.