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- Heckuva job from Bobo, who manages to compare Germany and the United States — asserting that the latter has had less growth because of greater stimulus — without even mentioning Germany’s much more substantial safety net, which 1)stabilizes consumer spending during a recession, and 2)provides automatic stimulus where American states are forced to engage in pro-cyclical tax hikes and spending cuts. [See also.]
- More on Ken Cuccinelli’s appalling crusade against the women of Virginia.
- Whatever progress has been made, we shouldn’t be too confident about our ability to measure defense.
- Pity poor David Koch, who wants to distribute immense amounts of inherited money as wingnut welfare without any scrutiny whatsoever.
- Ref admits Seahawks were screwed in 2006 Super Bowl. Now perhaps Mike Holmgren will admit that the refs didn’t force his quarterback to follow-up terrible calls with interceptions or cause his Andy Reid-caliber clock management.
- Judicial confirmation rates continue to decline.
- Glen Kenny on the pass critics, including himself, give to Clint Eastwood (interesting, but cannot endorse claims that Absolute Power — perhaps the worst movie by a major director with a serious cast I’ve ever paid to see — is “underrated”) and Todd Solondz (definitely agree that claims that he hates his characters are silly, and also with his analysis of Happiness: Gazzara salt-shaking perfect, Baker’s confession too on-the-nose even granting that too on-the-nose dialogue is one of Solondz’s central aesthetic strategies.)