Time Will Tell, But Epistemology Won’t: In Memory of Richard Rorty
If you happen to be in the Irvine, California area this Friday and are at all interested in the work of Richard Rorty, feel free to drop by campus and attend any one of these fine talks. The Internet’s own Michael Bérubé has the last word—if, that is, he survives the trip from LAX to UCI with me behind the wheel, as between the volcano and even more inappropriate student behavior, I seem to be in one of those improbable ruts that comes karmically standard with having been whatever monster I must’ve been in a past life.
That said, I can’t help but find this bit from the conference’s promotional material fascinating:
Included in the UC Irvine collection are electronic word-processing files, created between 1988 and 2003, which were retrieved from Rorty’s 3.5″ floppy disks during processing of his personal papers.
At some point in the future, “archives” will refer to the drawer in which the flash drives of great thinkers reside. (Or whatever the equivalent of a “flash drive” is in “the future,” whenever that may be.)