Nutpicking for Me, But…
Glenn Reynolds: “here are some photos from that antiwar rally today in DC. Note the Soviet-nostalgia T-shirt. But guess which one the press will cast as “extremist?””
Glenn Reynolds, quoting and heh-indeeding La Althouse later in the same goddamned post: “Still, the Washington Post uses the term “angry protesters.” That’s a journalistic device to delegitimitize the demonstration by merging everyone into the few persons who said something racist/homophobic.”
That’s hacktacular! I don’t think the “some guy with a sign somewhere” game is useful no matter who’s using it, but Reynolds is certainly not in a position to complain about it.
And even funnier is that it’s probably not even the most egregious hackery in that post. As Thers notes, he also links to a very short video of the protest and claims that it “debunks” reports that racist slurs were directed at John Lewis at that…or, apparently, any other time. And then we have the assertion-without-evidence that the media “ignored the anti-ObamaCare protests,” which to the extent that such obscure outlets as the New York Times and Washington Post count as media is transparently false (and note also the Althouse quote.) I think we have a coveted Mickey Kaus triple crown of hackery to award here.