Not Pawns in Your Armageddon
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About 100 protesters heckled former US Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee on Monday as he attended a function to support Jewish settlements in mainly Arab east Jerusalem.
Two dozen right-wing Israelis staged a counter-protest, waving huge flags and cheering Huckabee, who has been touted as a possible Republican candidate in 2012.
Huckabee was among about 100 guests, including several Israeli MPs, who attended a private function held at the former Shepherd Hotel, the site of a controversial housing project for Jewish settlers funded by US millionaire Irving Moskovitz.
Protesters chanted “go home” one of the banners they held up said: “Huckabee, we are not pawns in your Armageddon.”
I do wish that the Christian Right’s vision of Jews as hors d’oeuvres of the Apocalypse would bother more Israelis. It seems painfully obvious to me that transforming support for Israel into a partisan issue in the United States, and linking that support to the most bitterly reactionary and anti-cosmopolitan segments of American society, is not, as they say, good for the Jews.