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B-Day Addendum


So, as some of you knew and others surmised, today was supposed to be the day in which the wife and I enjoyed a Blessed Event, and introduced spawn into our happy home. For a variety of reasons too complicated to go into, we and our doctors had agreed four months ago to schedule a C-section for this morning at 7am. Thus, when I started my “D-8” series, I was aware of the possibility that the spawn might arrive early, but had psychologically excluded the possibility of a late arrival.

So…. it turns out this morning that, in the midst of preparation to engage in the aforementioned C-section (IV was in), our doctors noticed that the procedure ran afoul of a previously unknown hospital policy. Bureaucrats arrayed themselves for battle, and in the end it was determined that the birth would be delayed for an additional six days. Spawn remain healthy, but still trapped in the wife. Wife remains uncomfortable, grouchy, irritable, and litigation-prone. I have seen July 17, 2009 change from Momentous Life Changing Moment Day to Day that Something Remarkably Irritating Happens, which doesn’t really distinguish it from any other day.

DJW has the last word:

With an evil, government bureaucrat-run health care system like they have in Europe, you’d just be put on a waiting list and they probably wouldn’t be born until November.

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