Just Planning My Evening…
If everything goes as predicted by the current chart at 538, and if state are called within an hour of poll closings, then Obama will reach 270 sometime between 9 and 10pm EST.
Time | McCain | Obama |
7:00 | 31 | 27 |
7:30 | 36 | 47 |
8:00 | 69 | 185 |
8:30 | 75 | 200 |
9:00 | 139 | 286 |
If Indiana, North Carolina, or Virginia go for McCain (or are slow to call), Obama still hits 271. If Florida, Ohio, or Pennsylvania go the other way, then we wait until 10pm, when Iowa and Nevada close.
Rememmber; it’s never too early to plan out your election night drinking strategy. Unfortunately, Kentucky prohibits the opening of bars and liquor stores until the polls close at 6pm…