You know who has a tough job, besides Matt Millen’s successor?
John McCain’s makeup team.
I’m serious. Friday’s debate will be the first time a lot of people, and especially a lot of potential swing voters, will have seen him in HDTV for a sustained period. I got HD about a year ago, and if you don’t have it believe me it makes a very real difference in terms of how people look on TV. Almost everybody looks bad under TV lights anyway prior to cosmetic intervention, but the following groups are especially vulnerable to the merciless eye of the HD digital broadcast:
(1) White people, because of generally less even skin tone (this is another of the many HUGELY UNFAIR ADVANTAGES for people of color in our culture).
(2) Old people.
(3) People with facial disfigurements such as surgical scars.
You can’t just trowel on the coverup either, because then you’ll make an old white guy with a big scar look like a zombie.