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K-Lo Funny


If I’d been severely depressed about something today, reading The Corner would have really helped clear the air. Here, for example, is K-Lo, wondering how John McCain is going to win the election if she can’t get her campaign trinkets:

Try to buy, say, a sign or a button or a t-shirt from the McCain store online and you’ll get a note that it will take 1-2 weeks. I thought we had an election to win. 1-2 weeks could mean the election!

Additionally, if you go to the RNC’s website, you will not be directed to McCain-Palin merchandise but to the George W. Bush store. Now, I love George W. Bush (I do, I still do. Even in these days of Treasury Creep ) … but, priorities, people!

I almost made a purchase …

Perhaps McCain should suspend his campaign activities until his gift shop gets its shit together.

And in the ohpleaseohpleaseohplease department, there’s this:

Many readers relay that they’d like McCain to just offer Palin step in for him.

You know those people who allow their homes to bloat and ripple with undiscarded waste, who stock thirty years of newspapers in their hallway closets, and who load up their cars with old flatware, plastic cups and boxes of clothing they find at random yard sales? Those are the people K-Lo is apparently hearing from today. [Update: Wow. The prosecution rests.]

Meantime, in other NRO news, John Derbyshire and Michael Novak are debating the virgin birth.

These people are weird.

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