Institutionalized Trolling
John McCain’s campaign is using their campaign website to encourage supporters to post supportive comments on political blogs, including the most well-known liberal site in the blogosphere. And to make things easier, they’re including talking points with which sympathizers can use to get out the McCain message.
“Select from the numerous web, blog and news sites listed here, go there, and make your opinions supporting John McCain known,” instructs the page.
McCain supporters are asked to send the details of their comment to the campaign, which in turn will verify it and then reward the supporter with “points” (assumedly to accumulate for McCain swag).
I can hardly wait for the McCainiac troll influx.
…incidentally, I think this is one of the best comment threads I’ve ever seen. My favorites:
- Jon MkKane is grate. He will mak a grate preznit. He is better from Obamar by a lots. You ar librul coksukers. I am not a trol.
- John McCain is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.
- John McCain has a bold vision, a clear sight, and a comprehensive plan for America, and for each and every American. For instance, he wants you, George Robotham of 56 Maple Lane, Waltham MA to start investing in our children’s futures, and to stop masturbating in the shower so much. John McCain! He knows what’s best. For YOU.
- McCain hooked me up with some great weed back in the 80s, when things were really dry.
- For I was hungry and McCain gave me food; I was thirsty and McCain gave me drink; I was a stranger and McCain took me in; I was naked and McCain clothed me; I was sick and McCain visited me; I was in prison and McCain came to me.
- John McCain once showed me a video of him making love to my wife, and it was the most beautiful thing I ever saw!