"You want to know what it takes to work for the Hoover Institution? It takes brass balls to work at the Hoover Institution."
Shorter Mamet:
I used to be a Democrat, but after reading Thomas Sowell I’m outraged by the Bay of fucking Pigs.
I don’t know what David Mamet was reading during the many years before his apparent political conversion, but he’s now convinced that Sowell is “our greatest contemporary philosopher.”
Jonah Goldberg’s “Liberal Fascism” is too rich a book to be summarized in a newspaper column. Get a copy and start re-thinking the received notions about who is on “the left” and who is on “the right.” It is a book for people who want to think, rather than repeat rhetoric.
I suppose it’s only a matter of time before Mamet discovers that Michael Medved is our greatest contemporary film critic.
(Via Roy)