Um, No.
What is it about the chemistry of the birth control pill that the wingnuts don’t understand?
There’s news today that lawmakers in Missouri are trying to get emergency contraception (aka Plan B) classified as a drug that induces abortion. The proposed law would also (or perhaps principally) provide protection for moralizing pharmacists who don’t want to do their jobs and who refuse to distribute EC.
Crap like this makes me want to bang my head against a wall. It has been proven again and again that EC is not an abortifacient. It either prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg or, like plain vanilla birth control, prevents the release of an egg to begin with. And yes, I know, there are some people out there who will argue that if an egg is fertilized, anything that prevents the continuation of a pregnancy produces an abortion. But (1) technically, pregnancy doesn’t even begin until the embryo implants and starts to generate the hormones that sustain a pregnancy and (2) lest we forget, about 1/2 of fertilized eggs don’t implant anyway.
Also, proposals like this make it achingly clear that the wingnut anti-woman/anti-abortion movement has almost zero to do with protecting life and almost everything to do with ensuring that women don’t have control over their reproductive lives.