Remind Me to Read This to My Kids
So apparently Dr. Seuss is supporting the anti-abortion movement. Or at least, they like to say he is (or did) — despite the fact that Seuss made it clear during his life that he had no interest in allowing them to use his works.
A group in Colorado that supports the quote-unquote Human Life Amendment (aka the tampon policing act of 2008) has latched on to a line from Seuss’s Horton Hears a Who and are using it to advocate for the ridiculous ballot initiative. Their line of choice (bad pun intended) is: “A person’s a person no matter how small.”
So, the inimitable ladies at Jezebel have put together a collection of preposterous abortion rights anthems. It’s pretty good, and it got me thinking about what I would add. My addition: George Michael’s Freedom:
All we have to do now
Is take these lies and make them true somehow
All we have to see
Is that I don’t belong to you
And you don’t belong to me.
Anyone got a more or less literal one to add to the pile?