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But He Cares…


Via Jeffrey Lewis, John Bolton seems to care very much about the North Korea deal:

Other top Bush administration officials, such as former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, have criticized Bush since leaving office. But they have refrained from meeting with large groups of lawmakers to lay out their opposition.

Bolton did just that in an address last week to a joint meeting of Foreign Affairs Committee Republicans and Republican Policy Committee members, as well as in a separate session with the Conservative Opportunity Society, a group of right-leaning Republicans founded by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.). In both meetings, Bolton expressed his concerns about the nuclear agreement reached by the U.S., North Korea and four other countries earlier this month.

The North Korea deal is pretty much literally the only competent thing that the Bush administration has done on the foreign policy front, and it came six years too late. In spite of that, you still have the crazies coming out of the woodwork, and by “crazies” I mean “major Bush administration foreign policy appointees”, and “major Republican Congressional figures.” But hey, elect Rudy Giuliani and you’ll get the same thing, only with more crazy!

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