Why Do Liberals Reject Reality?
Kevin Drum, writing about the Most Dishonest Editorial Ever, argues that “a junior high school geometry student would be embarrassed to produce work like this.” Apparently he hasn’t gotten the latest memo from the Intellectually Serious Yoosta-Bees of the blogosphere — everything that appears in any part of the Wall Street Journal must be accepted as the unquestioned truth, even when it’s a highly unpersuasive defense of a policy written by the wife of the policy’s architect! I hope Kevin will correct the record.
Meanwhile, Ezra asks if the Journal‘s op-ed pages are so mendacious and destructive that it may be worth sacrificing the terrific news pages that lend them unearned credibility. I don’t think I agree, but I admit that it’s tempting…
…Sawicky: “This…is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen a lot.”