Crisco John
You know that we’re really living in bizarre times when a guy as foul as John Ashcroft becomes a pillar of virtue and ethics in government.
Its a travesty that impeachment preceedings on Gonzalez were not started the day after Comey’s testimony. One can only hope that McConnell is not successful in blocking the no confidence vote on the AG this week. Either way, I doubt he’s leaving until he gets thrown out on his ass.
And for those who feel that Bush or Cheney have not committed a specific crime that could be used and proven in an impeachment hearing, its painfully obvious that a felony was directly and deliberately committed by violating the FISA law. As Bush says, “we’re talking about a law that was made in 1978…its 2006!” Whether this is a politically viable option for Democrats later this year is up for debate, but its certainly a bad precedent to set for future generations where a President can deliberately violate the law and get away with it without a scratch.
At least the no blow job rule will be carried on…
(cross posted at BlueGrassRoots)
…in addition, the hypothetical impeachment drive would be increasingly difficult as Republicans pull out the “Democrats don’t want to spy on terrorists” card and frighten “moderate” Democrats. The MSM, i would assume, would fall right in line and repeat the talking point, as they did last year when this first became news.